
Return of the King (and Queen and Baby Daughter)

Listened to Voodoo Child's ambient beats by the far-off Portland lights, dark, dancing, with her weak little left hand gripped on my thumb. Eyes wide open, staring at me.

Pretty cool.

Uncles. Aunts. Hurry up.


  1. What a cutie! Welcome Magdelana!

  2. That's right, that is MY niece! I have noticed that she has taken approximately six things after me, maybe more. Nice work Becca and Josef.. I couldn't be more proud..

  3. What a beautiful moment. I loved it when Sarita stared at me those few days.

    Beautiful new family member.
    Hello Magdelana Deluca Long.

    She looks like you Joseph.

  4. Too precious. I THINK I see a little of her aunt leanna. I can't wait to take her dancing...I'll give her a couple weeks to get used to things, though.

  5. Magdelana is so precious. We were just looking at pictures of Dylan over the last 15 mo. They grow too fast. And change alot and get so much hair.


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