

There are a lot of things we can argue about these days, like the big debate over whether Morgan Freeman or Liam Neeson would make a better President, or the heated exchanges about whether or not modern superheroes should wear capes. But the one thing that everyone is certainly, without question in agreement on, is the fact that Jason Lytle's Willow Wand Willow Wand is the Greatest Song Ever.

'Cause it is, definitely. Let's hold hands and be grateful that our nation can be in consensus on something. And then let's stop holding hands and start dancing along to a really really good song. Like Willow Wand Willow Wand, which my wife has been so thrilled to hear 42 times in the last three days.

Thank you, Countess Becca.

Jason Lytle
Willow Wand Willow Wand
Dept. of Disappearance

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