

Mom. So proud you are yourself, and how you have helped so many others become comfortable and confident being themselves. You are a bridge-builder, a lightning strike, a shelter in the storms; a furious mixture of raw strength and true humility bound with love for others and a willingness to stand up for all who need standing up for. A model.

So proud you are Mom to me and six, and friend to so many others you have invited into (y)our world. I hate it when people call you a saint. Saints are dead. And they're on pedestals. You are human, very much alive, and and humble enough to own up to your mistakes and let those fuel your empathy for connecting with countless others as we stumble and bumble through life. Your modeling of inclusive Christianity; open door, bringing people LITERALLY many times off the streets into your home, is the example I want to try and follow. A welcoming and kind refuge. Thanks for that.

Tell your husband hi. He's a decent chap too.


Joseph Long
(one of your sons - the one married to Becca)

Oh yeah, happy birthday, by the way

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