
Eight Years

Eight years, the Bride and I have been legally bonded. A "mediocre marriage," Jonny says. Becca shrugs assent. And it is that spirit of playfulness and banter that has helped connect us so deeply; without jealousy or resentment rearing hydra heads. A love of laughing with and at each other and a zest for writing our own playbook. 
So today was wet and gray and filled with two lively offspring. No work for Bride, but I had to pop by school to educate Integrated Art in the fundamentals of using a picture plane to draw...Jonny accompanied us to Pepinos off Hawthorne, where he treated us to delicious tofu-and-potato burritos. A brief stop by American Apparel to get info on setting up a wholesale account for the screenprinting division of Very Long Media we are setting up, then bravely back on Hwys 84 & 205,soundtracked by MGMT, Hot Chip, and Mates of State.
The children stayed with Aunties Leanna and Lanessa & Uncles Jonny and Jeremy while Bride and I searched for a "dessert coffee boutique" - a NEW ONE...a special one...and guess what? Everything was either closed or closing as we arrived! Ridiculous! This would never have happened in Missoula!

So our final default choice was a cozy corner in a cute little local coffee shop (Starbucks) which was nestled inside an adorable little independent bookstore (Barnes & Noble). Becca tested the toffee latte, and I splurged on a PSL In real mugs, with extra whipped cream. It was $7.90.

We chatted of the places we would most like to travel to next with children - Prague, Quinceterra (Italy), London, Maine, Calgary...NYC in a few years. We shall do so.
We shall do so, because we want to do so, and that is how you start the process of making things happen. You want something, you articulate something, you start the process of doing that something. Reverse-engineer the playbook to figure out how we can get there. Like I said, some places we hope to visit with children, soon.

I am fond of her, eight years today. She is a rascal, but I am almost ambidextrous so it's a good team we got.

We sloshed through the puddled parking lot to our messy neo-hippiemobile and cranked up Eminem, and held hands and sang along as we returned to our children, nestled in with uncles & aunties, sort of watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith and reading Maurice Sendak.


  1. I'm quite fond of my 3rd sister. Although it's still difficult for me to view her as my sister, as that accompanied with various other thoughts seems slightly inappropriate.

    I'm quite fond of your marriage as well. When I say "mediocre," I mean it in the best possible light. Thanks for the tremendous example and bar you've set, Clarence, you are matched by none.

  2. Happy anniversary! J & I just had our 8th as well. It's fun to be on this journey with like-minded couples who adore each other.


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