
What do you like to do?

I like to:

- sew, experimentally. which means I do not possess the discipline to use a pattern.

- talk about music, particularly with Jeremy, Meilani, Becca, and a few others I may list if they express discontent at not being on this list. right now I am loving Lightning Hopkins and Caravan Palace.
- drink coffee, alone, and with people. and in the morning, and the evening. and during the week, and on the weekends.
- make and take pictures.
- paint with Magdelana.
- read Jorges Luis Borges late on Friday nights when everyone is asleep, and there is little light, and no sound except Sigur Ros gently seesawing from the next room.
- read. right now I am finishing Bicycle Diaries by David Byrne. it is a terrific adventure memoir about his musings from around the world, as seen from his...bicycle.

- plagiarize Meilani's blog when she has good ideas, which is frequently.
- this is a good start. I am never bored, ever.


  1. I don't think it's plagiarism if I give you permission. So you have permission to use (notice I didn't say "steal") my idea. Now the Plagiarize Police won't come after you.

    Thank you for thinking I have good ideas.

    I enjoyed your list. Please make more.


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