
The Gang (There is Something Written Across These Faces That the Universe Cannot Articulate with the Brevity of a Dostoyevsky Tale).

The Gang (There is Something Written Across These Faces That the Universe Cannot Articulate with the Brevity of a Dostoyevsky Tale). //// March 10, 2013


Eating out somewhere, and being engaged in conversation, and having my brother quietly ask where a diaper is, and then letting him take a stench-emitting child (mine) to change. That is not something most people enjoy doing, let alone volunteer to help out with. Particularly our son, whose toxicity on occasion could help render Chernobyl uninhabitable for another century. 

Thank you, Jonny Long, for consistently being a magnificent uncle. Someday I will try to return the favor. 

P.S. when are you guys going to start having kids (just discretely Like this comment if it will be within a year).


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