
Hey Becca,

First of all, I'm FINE, so don't freak out. But, I think I interrupted a burglary in progress at our home. No sign of anyone, but the leftover cake in our refrigerator has a GIANT piece removed from it, as I'm sure you'll notice when you get home. I'm hoping that's the only thing he - or she - got. And I hope he or she enjoyed it, because it really is tasty, if my memory serves, although I can't speak authoritatively, having only had a very petite slice myself, a while back, or so.

Anyway, I don't see other signs of foul play, just the knowledge that our home has probably been violated by someone who chose to break in and try to steal everything we own, but because of my alertness, was able to get away with nothing but a full stomach of absolutely divine and delicious cake. In fact, now that I look at, there's even more gone than I thought. I am so sorry to have to tell you this.

Again, I am emotionally shaken, but physically sound, and probably just need something to eat to calm my nerves. I'll see what I can find. See you soon, and could you pick up some whipped cream on the way home? I think the robber took a bunch of that too.


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