

1. Find some Ella Fitzgerald to soundtrack the day with.

2a. If you're madly into the sports, then the football will be broadcast on televisions next weekend (I have on good authority), so if everything else in your life is horrid today, and you love the "gridiron,"* then it will be back soon, and you can look forward to it.
2b. Posture: shoulders back, head up.
3. Commit to not prematurely celebrating holidays.
4. Get some coffee somewhere new. Or hot chocolate, or chai, or warm goat milk, or invent a new one, or ask your barista for their secret fave recommendation.
5a. Two things: A) my birthday is next weekend (disregard #3) and B) Alt-J's delicious new album This Is All Yours comes out today. Put those things together. Thank you.
5b. If you're in a boring meeting, start mentally planning your next Halloween costume. Making a totally rad costume is doable in the fifty cent to three dollar range.

*football term for "football field"

Happy Mondays, all

You know what would be really fun?
he casually queried the room.

I asked.

It would be so fun,
he said.
to have a funny dad like Bill Cosby.

I said. 
Wouldn't that be great?

We all nodded, and wondered what it would be like to have a funny father. Yep, that would be so amazing.

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