

It's so hard to believe in just over nine decades, our daughter will be one hundred. They grow up so fast. Speaking of which, I had this sudden moment of clarity this morning, watching Michael Phelps talk about his 19th gold medal. I remembered that I have none. No medal. Zip (I am being serious here - I have never won any Olympic event*).

As I near the end of my fourth decade of existence, I have to ask myself: will I ever break his Olympic medal count record? (Again, I currently have zero) And the tough answer is: there is at least a fifty-percent chance I will never break his record. Reality is tough, which is why I strongly suggest not being too friendly with it.

*technically, I have not been to the [hashtag] Olympics as a competitor**

**technically, I have not been to the #Olympics at all, any capacity



Homeless people are so lucky.
she said dreamily.
One of my goals someday is to be homeless.

And why,
I asked.
is that?

she said confidently.
I can live under a bridge. That is one of my goals.

I said.
That is something you'll need to work hard to achieve.

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