
FAREWELL, 44 (video).

"...but knowing that here on earth, God's work must truly be our own."

I shot and edited this short on my phone a year or so ago, with the musical assistance of Jeremy Long and the voices of MLK, JFK, Winston Churchill, and others. Most of the time, when I rewatch something I've done, I'm very critical and self-aware of the many things I would do different and improve on. But this...I gotta say, I'm still proud of this little iPhone 5 film we put together about the personal and the universal . This may indicate a specific point in time...but I am reminded, again and again, of the importance, especially at critical points in our lives, of standing up. Of standing up.

To fight for the rights of all who wish to be free, to be free. And to never surrender.

Farewell, 44.

Our older children's childhoods have been spent as citizens of a country led by President Obama, an era that is now ending. Much has happened. I believe in a thankful spirit and fostering a spirit of gratitude. Mr. Obama, thank you for eight years of service. Just like family, you don't always have to agree in totality to respect, to love, and to acknowledge the commitments and spirit of service a person devotes their life to. Oh, the vid's three minutes. If anyone wants a director's cut three hour version, let me know. I stole the title from Jeremy Long's track. He did the music. Stud. Farewell, 44. You did a lot of good.

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