
QUESTION: Weezer or Jimmy Eat World?

Mak K. 

Andrew B. 
Weezer! Saw them in '94 here in Seattle, back in the "Sweater Song" days. Great show.

Jeremy Long. 
Overall Jimmy Eat World... Weezer's Green Album can stand up against anything though:)

Jeremy G. 
Weezer is going to be the answer for those of us that came of age in the 90s. I couldn't and still can't get enough of Weezer's infectious melodies and crunchy riffs. However Jimmy Eat World who shares their aggressive pop-rock sensibilities are going to appeal to those 5-10 years my junior, those that came of age in the 00s.

Joseph Long.
Nicely said, Jeremy. It might seem heresy for some to include the two in the same sentence, but both have consistently released solid music for a decade plus (or two), playing with the possibilities of catchy, earnest pop music within a very specific and tight spectrum of sound.

Joseph Long 
*Jeremys, plural

And I would still love to see Weezer one of these days, Andrew. Great that you it to see them at that point in their career.

Jeremy G.
I agree.

Jeremy G. 
I would also distinguish Weezer as clever and Jimmy Eat World as more introspective.

Andrew B. 
It was quite the concert, actually -- an all-day affair featuring Weezer, Green Day, Sky Cries Mary, 311, Rancid, and Hole in Courtney Love's first appearance after Kurt Cobain's suicide. She broke down and alternately screamed at Kurt and cried a couple of times. Pretty incredible. Contemporary article (with adorable evaluations of Green Day before they hit the big time): http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=19940909&slug=1929590

Entertainment & the Arts | At End It Benefit: Green Day And Courtney Love's Hole | Seattle Times New
End It, a benefit for Artists for a Hate Free America, with Green Day, Hole, Wee...See More

Caleb F.
Jimmy Eat Weezer.

Launa Steinhorst Acker.

Jeremy G. 
Now I've interrupted science Friday on NPR to listen to Weezer!

Michael Rop. 
They don't belong in the same comparison. Weeza' Fo' ever!

Joseph Long. 
There's a certain generational aspect at play, perhaps - as well as the idea that you're loyal to what was on the radio when you were in high school. I guess I am constantly intrigued by the conversations to be had over that which comes FIRST versus that which is IMPROVED (or built) upon later. I adore Weezer...but Jimmy Eat World has also certainly proved themselves worthy of being top-notch songwriters and musicians over a long stretch of time.

Me: Weezer in high school, Jimmy in grad school, great memories with both 

Lisa P.F. 
Always Weezer. NEVER Jimmy Eat World.

Jeremy Long.
That's a great point, other Jeremy, about Weezer being clever and Jimmy being introspective. Interesting observation. I would say I connect more an a melancholy level with Jimmy Eat World and more with Weezer on a Sunny day driving down the highway type of emotion. One thing is for sure, they both know how to write an incredibly catchy song. I've had great times with both. Maybe they'll collaborate:)

Jeremy G. 
Agreed, other Jeremy. Thanks to Joseph, for such a simply complex Friday question.

Jenaya R. 
Why would you have to choose?! They're both awesome...

Ryan D Muse.
Well, Joseph this is my in-depth answer. I base my choice on both album work and live performances. I have seen Weezer 4 times and have enjoyed them each and every time. I saw them tour for The Blue Album, Pinkerton, The Red Album and then 2 summers ago they played a special show here in Seattle and performed The Blue Album and Pinkerton with a 30 minute slide show/ video montage in the middle. It was epic. As good in concert as on their albums. I have seen Jimmy Eat World 2x. The first time was back in 2002 and the next time was 2 summers ago as they toured their most current album (with Chris Fields). They are good live but better on cd. When you look at what fuels your decisions for choosing a favorite there are several important categories that will aid you in making a choice. Venue (Best show ever? MUSE at Red Rocks in Morrison, CO with Jordan Raitt and Carla Raitt in the fall of 2007). MUSE is just as good, if not better live, than on any of their albums. Who you attend the show with (the most rowdy Chris Fields Brian Harris and old school mosher Cam, father to Sabra Wilson at Alice In Chains during their comeback tour here in Seattle). The mood of the crowd (electric and punked out at the Gob and Treble Charger show in Edmonton during the fall of 2000 with Jonathan Morgan Sarah Drew Anthony Berdan Scottie Hammytoe Brandon Hagen and Justin Andrews) The most age defining (Warped Tour summer of 2000 with Blink 182 headlining and Eminem opening with Seth Wade,"Whats My Age Again?") The one that you actually meet a future x girlfriend at (Smash Mouth in Park City, UT with Matt Allison and the night that we hung out with LIT- Epic). Your memories also might include you and your friend (Brad Harris) getting beaten up by a girl at the Foo Fighters show in Phoenix summer of 2003. By the way, The Foo is excellent live. A brush with the authorities adds to the judging of a show and eventually the album. (The Offspring fall of 1999 with Darcy Mainville, Jordi Lehmann, Jindlee Lehmann, Brian Reed, Geoff Smith and Jordan Raitt. This show included me taking off my shirt and running past security so that I could get into the mosh pit. The chase that happened drew security away from the wall so that the rest of my friends jumped over and made it into the floor level. (imbelished) We all made it and to this day the "Americana" album is a favorite of mine." International shows really add to your musical experience and can sway your decision. (Beck and Radiohead in Edinburgh, Scotland with Alayne and Rob Hing during the summer of 2006.) It doesnt get much better than that. And there is really no way to beat any Beck or Radiohead album after seeing them in a city like Edinburgh. Although, being VIP with Chris Fields at Eric Church in Chicago during the Spring of 2011, was pretty awesome also! I guess Joseph, my final decision will be made off of an experience had during the summer of 1997. Ryan Kilgore and I ventured to the mean streets of Seattle to the old school DV8 to see Weezer. Some terrible band named Rydell High opened and then Weezer came out and melted our faces with nerd rock and I loved every second of it. This was old Weezer. Like Matt Sharp Weezer. During this incredible show a guitar pic was caught and afterward The Blue Album cover that had been in my sweaty pocket for the duration of the show was signed by Rivers, Patrick and Brian, while Matt offered us "just orange juice" out of a blue solo cup. So, I guess that I choose Weezer. In closing Joseph, whom I have known since 1985, I will bring home the turkey if you bring home the bacon.

Joseph Long.
Ryan. Your vivid imagery above ranks among my favourite responses all-time. Thank you for the descriptive timeline of your concert experiences. Very nicely articulated. 

I have not seen either Weezer or Jimmy. Yet. And despite many memorable concert experiences, you are certainly ahead in the international arena 

I look forward to many continued conversations about music. Thanks again for your insights and anecdotes - loved them!

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